We’ve been waiting for the Gone Girl movie to come out, well, practically since the book did. The best-selling thriller was an international sensation, while the film is currently in post-production, due out in October later this year.  There's going to be a lot of discussion over this movie in the months to come, you don't adapt such a popular novel without a lot of debate over pretty much everything.

Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck stars as Nick Dunne in Gone Girl

Thankfully, the trailer has finally been released, but does it live up to our expectations? The answer to that is a big fat YES! And then some. So, let’s take a look at it in a bit more detail. Playing over the solemn opening vigil is Richard Butler’s version if Elvis Costello’s ‘She’. The lyrics “She may be the face I can’t forget, a trace of pleasure or regret, may be my treasure of the price I have to pay” drift eerily over shots of Nick Dunne, played by Ben Affleck, addressing a crowd who have gathered in the hope of finding his missing wife, Amy, played by Rosamund Pike. Amy has mysteriously disappeared, their home shows traces of a struggle, but Nick denies knowing anything about where she may have gone.

Shots of the pair together flicker as the song plays in the background, Amy in the bath, the pair kissing in a doorway, all indicators of a happy marriage. Scenes of happiness are exchanged for a search party, scanning fields for the missing Amy, flashlights in the night search for traces of Nick’s wife. The pair are seen arguing, “We can’t go on like this!” Amy shouts, “What it’s not good enough for you?” her husband replies, “It’s not even close.” The trailer is unreliable, just like the books it give little away about what it going on or whether we should believe what is neatly placed right in front of us.

Affleck and Pike look like perfect choices to play the two leads, both impossibly good looking but with a lot bubbling under their surfaces. Each loving look can easily turn to acid, and just like the book’s narrators we’re never entirely sure how the pair feel about one another. The big question is, did Nick Dunne kill his wife? The press certainly seem to think so and won’t give up until they have some answers. They can be your worst enemy or best friend, you can twist them round your little finger or get lost in their world of accusations. What will Nick Dunne do?

MORE: The first Gone Girl trailer is weird and different to other trailers

MORE: Ben Affleck is creepy and questionable in the first trailer for David Fincher's Gone Girl