The horror film The Human Centipede is opening in a handful of theaters this weekend. It was not submitted to the MPAA for a rating. The Chicago Sun-Times 's Roger Ebert is awarding it no stars as well. In his review, he writes "I am required to award stars to movies I review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star rating system is unsuited to this film." The movie deals with a mad doctor, a surgeon who once separated conjoined twins and now goes about capturing victims and perform reverse surgery, bonding them end to end so that they have a Common digestive system. "No horror film I've seen inflicts more terrible things on its victims than The Human Centipede ," Ebert writes. Nevertheless, he says that within Dutch director Tom Six, "there stirs the soul of a dark artist." Likewise, Mark Olsen wrote earlier this week in the Los Angeles Times " Centipede is at once arduously rough to sit through and compelling. There's a real film hidden beneath the hooky idea." And in an interview with New York's Village Voice , Six himself acknowledged that during test screenings, "Some people walk out of the cinemas, others can't stop laughing, and if people are eating during the movie, they are vomiting their food out because they didn't expect this to happen. It has a lot of influence on people's emotions."
