The final trailer for Ender's Game has been released. Set in the future years after an alien-human war, the movie follows Ender Wiggin, a talent young boy who is sent to a military space academy in order to prepare for when aliens next invade Earth.

Asa ButterfieldAsa Butterfield at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con.

Ender's Game teaser trailer, released earlier this year, gave an indication of what can be expected from the film. The final trailer, however, features a dramatic narrative by Harrison Ford who promises the aliens "will be back". It's all very visually appealing in a Star Wars-Superman-Terminator way and with the melodramatic music, intense exchanges and wild landscapes: it certainly appears to be a film fans of science fiction will love. 

The film stars a large number of young actors including Asa Butterfield as the eponymous hero. Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) as Ender's sister; Moises Arias (The Middle); Hailee Steinfield (True Grit) also star in the Ender's Game.

Harrison FordHarrison Ford at the 2013 CinemaCon Big Screen Achievement Awards, held at Caesars Palace Resort and Casino, Las Vegas.

Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) plays the role of Colonel Hyrum Graff, the head of the military school who constantly challenges Ender. Whilst other established actors include Ben Kingsley (Iron Man 3) and Viola Davis (The Help).

Watch the movie trailer for Ender's Game:

Scott Orson Card's Ender's Game received negative press coverage it earlier this year owing to the author's homophobic views. All Out (an LGBT organisation) created a petition requesting DC Comics, the film's studio, dismiss the author from his position on the movie. The petition appears to have been unsuccessful. 

Ender's Game is due to be released in US cinemas on 1st November 2013 and in the UK on 25th October 2013. 

 Ben Kingsley
Ben Kingsley at the UK premiere of Iron Man 3, held at the Odeon in Leicester Square, London.