Actress Lindsay Lohan has revealed she’s considering converting to Islam and is currently studying the Koran. Last year the actress was pictured carrying a copy of the Koran on the first day of her community service at a New York kids’ centre, causing speculating that she had converted to Islam.

Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan is studying the Koran.

Lohan had previously stayed quiet on the subject, but the 29-year-old actress has now confirmed she is studying the religion. Speaking to The Sun, Lohan said: “I’m a very spiritual person and I’m really open to learning.”

“America has portrayed holding a Koran in such a different way to what it actually is. We all believe in something and at the end of the day it all ties to a god or a spiritual adviser. We all have a similar belief in whatever it may be personally.”

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Lohan, who was raised Catholic, also revealed that her younger sister Ali has turned to Buddhism. “My sister is Buddhist but she is still interested in learning other things from me. It’s good to be open-minded,” she added.

But before Lohan can convert she has to finish reading the text. “I’m not done reading it,” she admitted. "Do you know how long that would take? It takes so long.”

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Lohan went on to describe how embracing her spiritual side has helped her in uncomfortable situations, especially during an appearance on ‘The Jonathan Ross Show’. “It all comes down to meditation for me. I do this thing called tapping,” she revealed.

“I used it when I did 'The Jonathan Ross Show' because he was going down the jail route. I was getting uncomfortable so had to do it. I can hear every conversation in a room. I hear everything and I notice everything so I have to teach myself to shut my brain off.”