"'Noah' manages to blend the expected with the unexpected and does it with so much gusto and cinematic energy you won't want to divert your eyes from the screen," booms the LA Times, whilst the Examiner says "it's when Aronofsky dares to unshackle the story from its familiar confines, exploring the tale's dark psychological corners and indulging in his flair for fantastic visual surrealism that Noah truly sets itself apart."

Noah Movie Jennifer Connelly
Jennifer Connelly Stars In 'Noah,' Which Is Looking To Be One Of The Weekend's Biggest Movies.

At just over two-and-a-half hours, the film's length still seems to have got critics backs up but it would be hard to imagine any biblical epic - or even a Russell Crowe movie - that managed to find its conclusion within 100 minutes. Like most action films, Noah is bound to gloss over the subtler details but with astounding CGI work giving a modern-looking cinematic take on an ancient tale, there might be just enough in Aronofsky's film to help it weather the storm.

Noah will be released on the 28th March in the US and on the 4th April in the UK.

More: Emma Watson shares her 'Noah' scruffy styling tips at the recent press call.

More: Scenes from 'Noah' "contradict Islam," say the faith's practioners - find out the reasoning.