The Olympic snowboarder Shaun White has caused a serious disturbance at a Nashville hotel, according to a report from Associated Press. White has been arrested and charged with public intoxication and vandalism, after his drunken rampage, which saw him smash up a hotel telephone, try to escape whilst the police were called and eventually, smash his head on a fence. leading to a pretty interesting Shaun White mugshot, once the cops finally caught up with him. The incident took place at the Loews Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee, where White, 26, was a guest. A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department said "Officers responded to the hotel at 2 a.m. Sunday regarding an intoxicated man, reportedly White, who allegedly pulled a fire alarm at the hotel which caused the evacuation of all guests. An employee also said that he saw White destroy a hotel phone." The far-from-lucid White then attempted to flee in a taxi, but was thwarted when a citizen told the driver that police had been called. That citizen then found themselves on the receiving end of a kicking from the flame-haired snowboard champion, who decided to run away on foot. After falling backwards and hitting his head against a fence, White was eventually transported to a local hospital for treatment. "Arrest warrants charging White with vandalism and public intoxication were issued Sunday morning after he refused to sign misdemeanor citations," police revealed. White, who is dubbed the 'Flying Tomato' is a two-time Olympic gold medallist, in the snowboard half-pipe competition.