The actor logged into his wife's account on Friday (18Sep15), and posted a photo of them at her mother's house back in 1995, writing, "This was taken at your mom's house 20 years ago. That's a long time ago!!! So I decided to do some math...

"I have sung happy birthday to you 20 times and I have bought you 19 birthday presents (I was mad that one year). I have watched you blow out 693 candles (737 after tonight). I've told you 'I love you' at least 8,285 times. And of the nearly 3.96 billion women on the planet - there is only 1 that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Happy Birthday, my Love! (sic)"

The Independence Day star shared the post on his page, while their daughter Willow also used her mother's account to wish her a happy birthday. She posted a photo of the pair hugging and wrote, "Hacking you, because it's your birthday. Happy birthday Mom."

In August (15), Smith, who shot to fame in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, was forced to deny rumours suggesting the pair was getting divorced. He wrote on his page, "So, in the interest of redundant, repetitious, over & over-again-ness... Jada and I are... Not getting a divorce!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sic)"