Aishwarya Rai, the former Miss World regularly dubbed "the most beautiful woman in the world", has arrived at the Cannes Film Festival amidst a wave of criticism over her post-baby figure. The actress - who found international fame in Bride and Prejudice - gave birth in November last year and has publically stated she is in no hurry to lose the extra few pounds.
However, according to the Daily Mail, Rai has been accused of betraying her country for failing to lose the baby weight. Commentators have been unkind at best, lambasting her for letting fans down and suggesting she has a "duty" to regain her pre-pregnancy figure. Aishwarya has defended her choice, saying she simply wanted to "enjoy motherhood" and she presumably has the backing of her husband Abhishek Bachchan - the son of Indian's most loved movie star Amitabh Bachnan. Showbiz columnist Shobhaa De told the New York Daily News, "Aishwarya is like a goddess.She is held up as the ideal of beauty and so there is an expectation on her to look perfect at all times.The role models being held up are Angelina Jolie and Victoria Beckham, but our body frames are different - we have wider hips and curves".
The actress is making her 11th appearance at the Cannes Film Festival this week, following last year's showing when she was praised for her stunning Elie Saab and Armani gowns on the red-carpet.
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