On the same day as the nominations for this year's Academy Awards ceremony were revealed, the latest instalment of the ongoing awards season went by at the Barker Hanger in Santa Monica, California, where the 19th annual Critic's Choice Awards honoured the cast and crew of some of last's year's biggest and best films.

Gravity soared to success at the Critic's Choice Awards

The big winner on the night was the space thriller Gravity, which soared to success with seven wins by the end of the night. Among it's credits the film earned Alfonso Cuarón the award for Best Director and the award for Best Editing, shared with co-editor Mark Sanger. The film also earned Sandra Bullock the award for Best Actress In An Action Movie and was crowned as crowned the Best Sci-Fi/Horror Movie. The film also scored recognition for Best Visual Effects, Best Cinematography and Best Score.

The top prize of Best Picture was witheld for the harrowing 12 Years A Slave, which furthered it's chances of Oscar glory with it's latest awards credit. The film won a further two awards, earning Lupita Nyong'o recognition as Best Supporting Actress and John Ridley for Best Adapted Screenplay.

12 Years A Slave
The praise keeps on coming for Steve McQueen's 12 Years A Slave

Next Page: Who else won and full list of winners and nominees