Kutcher To Bare All On Ellen's Show

  • 09 September 2011

Ashton Kutcher is set to shock fans by baring all on Monday's (12Sep11) Ellen Degeneres Show.
In a photo obtained by WENN, the new star of sitcom Two and a Half Men appears naked on the season nine premiere episode, which was taped this week (beg05Sep11).
His privates are pixelated but there's very little doubt he bared all for lesbian TV host DeGeneres in the backstage skit.
A source close to the show tells WENN Kutcher was dressed in a robe for the comedy sketch and when the host asked him if he was ready for the show, he said, "I'm ready. This is it."
He asks, "Have you seen the ad for the show (Two and a Half Men)...? It's getting a lot of attention. So I just figured I'm going to do everything nude from now on... Whatever I'm doing I'm just going to do it nude. Let's do this."
In the ad he's referring to, Kutcher and co-stars Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones appear naked behind a billboard they are holding, which reads: "All will be revealed... 09.19.11". Kutcher's debut on the show airs on 19 September (11).