Gallagher Blames Advert Bust-up For Oasis Split

  • 06 July 2011

Noel Gallagher has finally revealed the reason for the furious bust-up that brought about the end of Oasis - he fell out with his brother after Liam demanded a free advert for his clothing range in the band's tour programme.
The Wonderwall hitmakers broke up in August, 2009 after a brawl between the siblings backstage at a concert in Paris, France.
Guitarist Gallagher has refused to discuss the reasons for the split ever since, but at a press conference to announce his debut solo album on Wednesday (06Jul11) he finally broke his silence.
He claims his younger brother stormed into the band's dressing room at the Paris venue wielding a guitar like an "axe" in an argument over Liam's attempts to advertise his Pretty Green label in the Oasis tour programme.
Gallagher says, "He nearly took my face off with (the guitar)... I didn't think it was right for him to be flogging his gear (clothes) to our fans. There was a massive row about that."
The pair became involved in a scuffle, during which Liam bizarrely threw a plum at his brother, and Gallagher then decided to walk away from the band for good.
He adds, "Part of me wishes it did end like that - 'plum throws plum'."
The rocker also revealed tensions in the band had been mounting ever since they cancelled a headline set at a British festival days before their break-up "because (Liam) had a hangover". At the time, the axed gig was blamed on the singer's throat infection.
It didn't take long for Gallagher's comments about the bust-up to infuriate his brother - within hours of the press conference, Liam took to his blog for the first time in a month and wrote: "SH**Bag".