Momsen Blames Mum And Dad For Gloomy Outlook On Life

  • 10 November 2010

Taylor Momsen has taken aim at her parents in a hard-hitting new interview, insisting they're the reason she's so dark and miserable.
The gloomy Gossip Girl star, who is now making her name in the rock world as the singer with cult band The Pretty Reckless, has blamed her parents for robbing her of her childhood.
The teenager says, "Everyone's like, 'Wow, why is she upset and why is she so miserable about things?' My parents signed me up with Ford (modelling agency) at the age of two. No two year old wants to be working, but I had no choice.
"My whole life, I was in and out of school. I didn't have friends. I was working constantly and I didn't have a real life."