Bach Lashes Out At Record Label Bosses

  • 11 January 2010

Former Skid Row rocker Sebastian Bach has lashed out at his first record label boss - insisting he's outraged a track he recorded with Axl Rose was passed over in favour of an unknown band.
Bach confesses he started his own label, Get Off My Bach, because the music industry is so unstable even for the largest of rock icons.
And he has blasted former Atlantic Records artists and repertoire (A&R) man Jason Flom for snubbing a collaboration with the Guns N' Roses frontman - more than 20 years after Bach signed with the label.
He says, "We live in a world (where) Van Halen doesn't have a record deal. I mean, Eddie Van Halen doesn't have a f**king record deal. How can there be such a thing as rock and roll if Van Halen doesn't have a record deal? ...The music industry's so screwed up, I almost don't wanna even rely on anybody but me. Even though I am doing another record, but it's so cool to be in control of your music and be able to just get it out without asking anybody...
"Just to paint a picture for everybody, Jason Flom signed Skid Row and a million other bands... But the fans should know that Jason Flom passed on me, Sebastian Bach, with Axl Rose on a record and then he put out Steel Panther. I just want people to realise that - this same guy who says no to Sebastian Bach and Axl Rose together on record - 'No. No, thanks.' - he says yes to a bunch of f**king goofs, clowns, comedy guys. He says yes to them."