Polanski Child Sex Victim Was 'Afraid' Of The Director

  • 30 September 2009

The woman director Roman Polanski is accused of raping at Jack Nicholson's Hollywood home in 1978 once testified she was terrified of the moviemaker.
Samantha Geimer was 13 when Polanski sexually assaulted her, and as the exiled Rosemary's Baby director fights extradition to the U.S., where he'll face sentencing after pleading guilty to having unlawful sex with a minor, a review of his victim's deposition could become a big problem for the filmmaker.
Geimer has since forgiven Polanski, insisting the director doesn't belong behind bars - but a new Los Angeles Times expose suggests she was frightened and upset when the crime took place 31 years ago.
In her deposition, Geimer repeatedly said she was afraid of the director. She also said she and the director got drunk and that she asked to go home.
She claimed Polanski joined her in the bathroom and told her to "go in the other room and lie down".
The director is currently behind bars in Zurich, Switzerland following his arrest on Saturday (26Sep09) on an international warrant.
Meanwhile, Polanski's former sister-in-law, Deborah Tate, has defended the controversial director, insisting he is "a good guy" who had "consensual" intercourse with the teenager he's accused of having unlawful sex with.