Nude Jolie Statue To Be Unveiled

  • 04 August 2009

A naked Angelina Jolie will be gracing the streets of Oklahoma City in September (09) - a life-size statue of the Hollywood actress breastfeeding has been created by New York-based artist DANIEL EDWARDS.
The bronze sculpture of mother-of-six Jolie, titled Landmark for Breastfeeding, was inspired by the star's W magazine cover last year (08), in which she was snapped by boyfriend Brad Pitt breastfeeding her newborn twins.
The statue depicts Jolie sitting nude as she suckles twins, one of whom is of African descent.
It is set to be unveiled in the Oklahoma City Metro area on 11 September (09) as part of World Breastfeeding Week.
Sandy Wilson of Phantom-Financial, the organisation behind the Jolie artwork, says, "We believe the statue sends a beautiful message by promoting the acceptance of public breastfeeding. Mothers should be encouraged to nurture their babies anywhere."
The sculpture will go on show in London later this year (09).