Movie Bosses: 'Cruise Too Old To Play Action Star'

  • 13 August 2008

LATEST: Tom Cruise's role in forthcoming film EDWIN A. SALT has reportedly been recast for Angelina Jolie because studio bosses fear he has grown too old to play a movie hero.
It was announced earlier this week (12Aug08) that the script would be rewritten to cater for Jolie - well known for appearing in action films such as the Tomb Raider franchise and Wanted.
According to the New York Post, the Top Gun star, 46, is no longer as marketable to youth audiences and has become too expensive to cast.
A source tells the newspaper, "Cruise is begging for MI:4 (Mission Impossible: 4)' but Paramount wants a younger, cheaper guy. He had a tantrum and ran out of the meeting."