Brinkley Advised To Undergo Therapy For Anger Issues

  • 09 July 2008

LATEST: Christie Brinkley should undergo psychiatric therapy to deal with her anger at estranged husband Peter Cook, according to a court-appointed psychiatrist.
Dr. Stephen Herman took the stand in New York on Tuesday (08Jul08) at the pair's ongoing divorce trial, where he advised the former supermodel take sole custody of the pair's two sons.
But Herman was also adamant Brinkley seek therapy as "an outlet for her anger and feeling of betrayal" to deal with the pain of her four failed marriages.
Herman testified: "She needs to start working on therapy issues related to her parenting, maybe her choice in male figures with whom to get involved, certain motivations she has herself that can get her into trouble."
Brinkley later agreed to seek professional help when it was her turn on the stand.
She testified, "I'm not sure that I'm a huge fan of psychotherapy. But if Dr. Herman feels strongly about it, I would do whatever it takes to convince the court that I'm willing to make whatever changes they deem necessary."
Herman added the children should stay with Brinkley, while Cook could keep his current visitation schedule of Wednesdays and every other weekend.
He said: "Certainly, the father's behaviour in this marriage has been terribly destructive and apparently continues to be... Brinkley had historically been a more stabilising force in the lives of these children... Joint custody is out of the question."
Brinkley and Cook are each fighting for sole custody of their two sons Jack, 13, and Sailor, 10.
The trial continues.