Gibson Rant Inspires Ringtone

  • 08 August 2006

Disgraced Hollywood star Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic tirade at the Jewish police officer who arrested him last month (28JUL06) has inspired a new ringtone. Oasys Mobile has hired a professional actor to recreate the roadside rant - titled 'Mel in Malibu' - and are offering free downloads on the internet. And the idea has proved so popular the phone company are already working on plans to expand the line to include other troubled stars. Oasys spokeswoman Gina Torres tells The Scoop, "We're starting a series of Scandal Tones that are inspired by celebrities going through a scandal. "We're looking towards doing something with Lindsay Lohan. We're waiting until she gets hospitalised again and then we're going to have the sound of an ambulance siren in the background and this husky-voiced Lohan sound-alike blaming it on dehydration. She's already been hospitalised three times this year, so we figure we won't have to wait long."