Lesbian Ex-Lover Still Has Feelings For Jolie

  • 12 December 2005

[Angelina Jolie](https://www.contactmusic.com/angelina-jolie)'s former lesbian lover JENNY SHIMIZU still has feelings for the GIRL, INTERRUPTED beauty even though Jolie is now dating Hollywood heart-throb [Brad Pitt](https://www.contactmusic.com/brad-pitt).

The model/actress first became close to Jolie when they co-starred in 1993 movie FOXFIRE - and she tells British newspaper The Sun they developed a deep emotional and sexual relationship over the following decade.

Shimizu says, "There has never been an ending to her and I. I think there never will be. I think we will continue to have a deep relationship. It really does go beyond just the sex.

"She's always had lovers that she relies on. If she can ring you and you can meet up then she can take care of her sexual needs. Whenever she calls me up I go and visit her.

"It's not always the case that we get together and have sex. Sometimes we go to her property in Cambodia and explore the jungle. It's definitely more of a deeper friendship. She's the person that I'll always care about and always help and always be there for."