Gallagher Thought Spinal Tap Were Real Band

  • 24 June 2005

[Liam Gallagher]( walked out on a New York performance by the stars of 1980s spoof movie [This Is Spinal Tap](, after discovering they aren't a real band.

The [Oasis]( frontman had seen the 1984 film before, but was convinced DAVID ST HUBBINS, NIGEL TUFNEL and DEREK SMALLS - played by [Michael McKean]( and [Christopher Guest]( and HARRY SHEARER - were real rockers.

His amused brother NOEL recalls, "He thought they were real people. We went to see them in Carnegie Hall. Before they played they came on as the three folk singers from [A Mighty Wind]( We were laughing and he said: 'This is shit.'

"We said: 'You do know they are American actors?'

"'I'm not f\*\*king having that,' he says, and walks off. He's never watched Spinal Tap since.

"He'd seen the film and loved it and thought they were a real band."

24/06/2005 08:02