Emails Reveal Affleck's Latest Romance

  • 06 June 2004

[Ben Affleck]('s romance with TV salesgirl ENZA SAMBATARO is getting into full swing - as revealed in a series of emails from a pal of her flatmate.

In the emails where the flatmate is referred to as K, Affleck as BA and Sambataro as E - the pal reveals the full extent of the romance between the Hollywood star and his new girlfriend.

One email reads, "They made out on a couch with K still in the room, which leads K to say BA's hairy stomach was all over her couch and he has gross black hair."

Another email continues, "BA says they are full on legit boyfriend/girlfriend."

And, reports British newspaper the NEWS OF THE WORLD, the author of the emails adds about Affleck: "He was all over E, loving and snuggling her."

06/06/2004 14:08