Brandy Sobs As Punk'd Prank Goes Too Far

  • 31 May 2004

R+B star [Brandy]( burst into tears during a recent MTV PUNK'D prank when bogus cops convinced her that her brother was part of a raid on a jewellery store.

The singer found the practical joke on [Ashton Kutcher]('s hit show all too much and started sobbing when she realised her street arrest was a set up.

Brandy was driving with her brother in Los Angeles when police pulled her over for a traffic violation. They then pretended they'd found stolen jewellery in her sibling's backpack.

Brandy begged the cops to understand she and her brother had nothing to do with a robbery: "I have millions of dollars, I don't have to steal anything from anybody. Someone gave us this to look at - to see if we wanted to purchase it."

But as things started getting heated, Brandy blubbed, "I don't understand this at all. You know that we're good kids."

When Kutcher's camera crew appeared from out of nowhere, and Brandy realised she had been Punk'd, the singer ran away.

When the cameramen caught up with the sprinting R+B star, she told them, "I thought we were going to jail."

31/05/2004 21:08