The Vines - Vision Valley Album Review

  • 10 April 2006

Rating: 4 out of 5

The Vines
Vision Valley
Heavenly/ EMI
Album Review

Despite actually being a stopgap album for the Aussie band after lead singer Craig Nicholls' health problems, Vision Valley instead need make no excuses for itself whatsoever. The band's third album, following a massive debut album, and an awesome, if underrated, second album (with its hit Ride), it offers some unfussy rock music of the kind that fans of Feeder, the Hives or Jet would recognise. Refreshingly stripped of studio cleverness, Vision Valley is soulful, full of great straightahead songs like the single Gross Out, and some quieter moments, recalling Aussie greats the Hoodoo Gurus. Sounding like a band that cares deeply about trying hard for another shot, and not taking anything for granted, the Vines third album is a world apart from the Streets' third album. It's not a world-changer, but the world is better off with albums like this in it.


Mike Rea
Adult Contemporary Essentials