Blue October - Foiled Album Review

  • 16 November 2006

Blue October
Album Review

An intriguing prospect, Blue October. Hard to pin a label on, in itself a refreshing change. The dark, sad beauty of single 'Hate Me' is only one window into this album, and in some ways is not truly representative of the whole, as there is more on offer here than just that.

With a strong core of dark indie rock, the album is built further with eclectic electronica, some tender moments, and further forays into anger and confusion.

In some ways which window you prefer to peer through will determine the standout tracks. 'Drilled a Wire Through My Cheek' is the perfect, dark partner to 'Hate Me', whereas you could equally pair the tender strains of piano-led 'Everlasting Friend' with the Pearl Jam-esque sounds of 'Independently Happy' to build a different, more positive vision entirely.

It's difficult to draw parallels with this album, but it is strangely, if distantly reminiscent of the Disassociatives album in its unusual, eclectic genius. It's good to know there's music out there that is sitting, smiling and waiting for you to discover it. 'Foiled' is something worth discovering.

Rich Edge