The Mendoza Line - It'll Be The Same Without You Album Review

  • 17 April 2003

The Mendoza Line
The Mendoza Line - It'll Be The Same Without You (released 05.05.03) Reviewed If an artist is signed to Cooking Vinyl it is an almost cast iron guarantee that they are making intelligent, vibrant rock music deserving of instant classic status. The Mendoza Line vie for attention alongside such luminaries as Ian McCulloch, Grant Lee Phillips, Ryan Adams, Cracker and Frank Black. Although the list of consistently inspirational artists could go on and on, The Mendoza Line are far from second class citizens in such exalted company.

'It'll Be The Same Without You' is taken from the band's justifiably acclaimed fourth album 'Lost In Revelry'. It is a single that is full of shimmering country-tinged west coast rock (thankfully the influence stems from San Francisco not Blackpool).
Second song 'The Big Let Down' is all drawled harmonies, steel guitar, and harmonica fed through a Byrds filter. Final track 'Reservations' has Shannon Mary McArdle taking up vocal duties on a short and sweet country bar room stomp.
Sardonic lyricism combines magnificently with the most joyously uplifting rock music you will hear this summer. If that is not sufficient enough reason for you to put the CD on your shopping list there is the unusual bonus of bass player Paul Deppler narrating an everyday tale of the supernatural on the sleeve notes.

Gavin Eves