Silver Columns - Yes, And Dance Album Review

  • 03 June 2010

An ex-post-rock bassist and nu-folk maudlin ballad lover of Homefires festival infamy paired with a micro-indie label founder, who were both initially happy basking in the glow of anonymity, reveal a shared desire to produce 'Interesting music with a bit of depth that you respond to immediately but can listen to 10 times and get more out of.' Don't be put off by the pair having seemingly consulted with Lady Ga Ga's milliner on their choice of telephonic headgear either, it's the music that'll win you over.

Silver Columns are Adem Ilhan and Johnny 'Pictish Trail' Lynch. Both Adem and Johnny have released albums under their own monikers as well as having numerous production and collaborative credits. Under combined steam they are set to play as many festivals as they can muster this summer so it is more than likely that you may encounter their take on a more considered electronic pop, that is, according to Adem, both 'uplifting and melodic'.

Where the band began to create rumours and generate hype, speculation and column inches is largely through 'Brow Beaten'. Before they were outed as Johnny and Adem the talk of Erasure was rife. Now we know who they are it is surprising just how much Brow Beaten sounds like Donna Summer's, 'I Feel Love' vs Bronski Beat's 'Small Town Boy'. A very well worked flash back that deserves to be heard through chart success.

The album is not all immediately revealing and obvious as many of its genre are. The clever and original use of some of their more pleasing musical adaptations is just one of many positives. As a for instance, the first single off the album, 'Cavalier', has a conversational to-and-fro from both men with a slightly dirty drum machine and synth backing. What sets it aside though is a very nifty slot machine accumulator style revolving 'sample'. 'To Wake You', with its stretched and stylised electronically enhanced vocal, has some subtle drum n' bass beats. The title track, 'Yes, And Dance', is a more 80's, 12' remix, haut couture dance floor number. An avant-garde Human League if you like. More infectious rhythms and sci-fi soundtrack noises power through 'Always On'.

There are slower less dancy numbers on here. 'Columns' is a more atmospheric tune with a lighter touch. 'Heart Murmurs' and 'Warm Welcome' both reveal their previous, folksy, output whilst still sitting comfortably next to arcade driving game synth notes. The latter track has a gentle start with more depth and texture evident in the vocal delivery. Finishing off is the aptly titled 'Way Out' a more experimental piece that throws up some Giorgio Moroder moments.

Yes, And Dance is an intelligent take on a widely abused style. Previous criticisms of 'Druggie music, not druggie enough' and comparisons to 'Hot Chip' hold little weight. Silver Columns have produced a credible album of originality. An electro pop gem with a few twists in its tail.

Andrew Lockwood.