Best Coast - Crazy For You Album Review

  • 21 July 2010

Formed around core members Bethany Cosentino and Bobb Bruno, 'Crazy For You' is the debut album from this Los Angeles outfit. Currently playing shows in Europe, including a date in London on August 4, they return to their homeland in September for a tour that spans across the month.

Purposely produced in a retro style, this release from Best Coast rarely digresses from the garage-rock mould. Songs such as 'Boyfriend' and 'The End' work around simple riffs that are fun and catchy, but where the band fall is in the lack of development of each track. A handful of lyrics and a few bars of music are more often than not put on loop and it makes for a frustratingly repetitive listen.

'Goodbye' does offer slightly more in the way of growing as a track, while the blues of 'Our Deal' does add a touch of variety, but again the failings are due to the tracks showing nothing new after the first 30 seconds or so. If you were to take a part of each song and put them all together you could end up with a decent song or two, but the only praise to pour on 'Crazy For You' is that is has a mercifully short running time.

Alex Lai