Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent Single Review

  • 18 July 2007

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Arctic Monkeys
Fluorescent Adolescent
Single Review

A witty, incandescent and entirely ingenious perspective of adolescence, Arctic Monkeys, as always, give observations of modern working-class life in Britain, as they see it.

Taking a left-off last laugh lane, the Monkeys continue to release consistently brilliant tracks and trust me you're not the only one that's baffled about how they do it. They appear to be immune to writer's block but their secret is actually quite simple. Instead of thinking big and epic like other rock prats (not pointing any elbows Alex Kapranos), the Monkeys prefer to sit back, relax and take a look at their surroundings for inspiration. They, as a result, end up writing realistic rock tunes that, importantly, everyone can identify with and understand.

In their latest offering the Sheffield lads explore life as a teenager in present day Britain. Looking at peer pressure, casual sex, debauchery and what not; and they don't mince their words either.


Daniel Black