The Dead 60s - Riot Radio - Single Review

  • 18 August 2005

** ** **** The Dead 60s

The Dead 60s - Riot Radio - Single Review The Dead 60s
Riot Radio
Fantastic! A cross between Talking Heads and The Coral and Elvis Costello, mixed with a wee bit of ska. There is no denying that this is a great track and I could not understand anyone who says otherwise. This is really the first I have heard the dead 60s stuff and I think this could win them fans across the board. This song is fresh and although perhaps in the same style of Franz Ferdinand its nothing like them because I think it is better than Franz. I predict this song to be a hit amongst all indie kids out there, and will be received well in clubs and on the radio. If this what the

document.write('<SCR'+'IPT src="'+Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000)+'" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'+'IPT>'); band produce I will be waiting with baited breath to see what they come up with next because it could only be as good if not better than this. A definite tune to remember this summer and all seasons for that matter. A highly recommendable purchase for all those music lovers out there. Hopefully we can expect more from the band before the end of the year. Joanne Nugent