Audioslave - Be Yourself - Single Review

  • 13 June 2005


Audioslave - Be Yourself - Single Review

Be Yourself
As a fan of both Rage Against The Machine and Soundgarden this proves to be an interesting listen. I have not followed their career up to the release of this single so I was intrigued to hear just what the former funk/grunge supergroup were up too. Far from the emotional and political undertones that plagued/blessed both former bands this sounds like a group who just simply love playing music together. This all sounds well and good but is this love strong enough get past their past? On initial listen no, it sounded like modern Led Zeppers but without the excitement, and of course how can you really top them anyway. But it’s certainly a grower and that’s all it is really, just a great rock song which to be honest is quite refreshing to hear, its not trying to be something it’s not. If you like plain straight up rock buy this.

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Alex Parker