Humanzi - Bass Balls Single Review
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Review of Humanzi's single Bass Balls
I'm going to tell you something now. I haven't told anyone else yet, not even in Saudi Arabia where I am currently residing, my new favourite band is Humanzi. There that feels better!
I had never heard of them before I received this single to review, and those of you that have been long time fans then I apologise if you do not agree with my explanation of their sound. I would say they sound like a dirty Kasabian and a sleazy Primal Scream covering BRMC. There I said it. This may be explained, along with the Germanic sounding synthesiser they use, by the fact that they have recently decamped from Dublin to Berlin.
'Bass Balls' is a heavy bass driven track, with chunky rock club guitar riffs and snapping vocals. The guys have returned from a three year hiatus with a strong industrial sound.
So you guys back in Blighty go buy the single and I will chase up their back catalogue so I can claim I was a fan right from the very start.
Rating 9/10
Pablo Roffey