The Termites - Set Yourself On Fire - EP Review

  • 14 July 2005

** ** **** **** The Termites

The Termites - Set Yourself On Fire - EP Review

The Termites
Set Yourself On Fire

Aarrghh, this EP is mental! It’s certainly a heard wreck records brought to us from newcomers Termites. What a convenient title for a band, if you let me they’d literally eat away at you until you like their music!

The first track is the title track, and in my opinion, the best. It’s full of heavy guitar riffs and thrashing drums, but also toned with an organ. The vocals on thw whole EP are quite 80’s ska esque; but the music has definatley come of age in this modern era. I can’t describe it to any other band because it’s just so different!

document.write('<SCR'+'IPT src="'+Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000)+'" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'+'IPT>'); I wouldn’t usually listen to this kind of band, but after a couple of listens I eventually got into it and I’m sure you will!

Candice Finney