Ono Palindromes - Kitty Magic EP Review

  • 04 March 2009

Rating: 4 out of 5

Review of Ono Palindromes' EP 'Kitty Magic' released through Rainbow Records on 6th April 09.

Formerly Young Sensations, the Exeter 5-piece Ono Palindromes release this EP showcasing their alternative, energetic indie-punk. Their press release calls the music art-pop, taking influence from art and literature. That conjures up an image of a pretentious shiny pop band and nothing could be further from the truth.

The lead song on the EP, Kitty Magic is more indie punk than pop and is a real treat. Despite its light hearted sing along intro, it actually has a definite post punk sound to it. It is reminiscent of PIL, particularly vocally, and this is combined with fantastic grungy guitar, thumping drums and base.

They deftly draw popular culture into their tunes and this is evident on Eat Your Make Up, apparently influenced by an early John Waters movie. The combination produces a lyrically unusual number; 'Eat your makeup and you will never wake up to see the morning again'. It's much darker than you'd expect, the whirling keyboard creates a sinister edge and adds depth. The overall sound is then softened by the more melodic female backing vocals. Eat Your Make Up is a definite stand-out tune on the EP.

This is totally off the wall, energetic punk-pop with intelligent composition and some brilliant punchy vocals. Ono Palindromes manage to weave in influences from popular culture without losing site of the music itself; each tune is a cleverly crafted piece of art!

Rating: 8/10

Robyn Burrows