Tamla Kari

  • 11 August 2011



The Inbetweeners 2 Review

By Rich Cline


Fans of the TV series and 2011 first movie probably won't mind that the filmmakers never bother to develop these characters at all. At least the four lead actors have plenty of charm to paper over the thinly written script, making the most of even the most simpleminded gags while playing up the traits that have kept fans coming back since the TV show debuted in 2008. The actors are now between 27 and 30, but the idiots they play are resolutely stuck in their teens.

Having finally survived high school, Jay (James Buckley) takes a gap year in Australia while his pal Will (Simon Bird) has a lonely first year at university. Even a visit from pals Simon and Neil (Joe Thomas and Blake Harrison) fails to cheer Will up, but a suggestion that they drain their student loans and head Down Under to visit Jay is more like it. Jay has painted a picture of sex-crazed party mayhem, but when they land in Sydney the reality is somewhat different. So when hot babe Katie (Emily Berrington) invites Will to come to Byron Bay with her gang of middle-class hippies, he drags his mates along. But these four guys fail to fit into the backpacking lifestyle, and instead head to the Outback to find Jay's ex.

The film opens in a nicely cinematic style, with slick spoofs of both Harry Potter and Scarface before settling into the usual groove: setting up each sequence as a possibility for sex before everything unravels into humiliating chaos. The problem is that this repetitive cycle is all set-up but almost never any pay-off. A waterslide sequence is a hilarious exception, building a queasy sense of suspense before landing a series of riotously revolting punchlines. But more often the characters are left staring into space before muttering, "OK then," before the screen fades to black as if it's time for an ad break.

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'The Inbetweeners 2' Movie Looks Pant-Wettingly Hilarious [Trailer]

By Lauren James in Movies / TV / Theatre on 18 June 2014

Simon Bird Joe Thomas Blake Harrison James Buckley Tamla Kari

...And they haven't even put the best jokes in the trailer!

The trailer has finally been released for the long-awaited sequel to 2011's The Inbetweeners Movie, The Inbetweeners 2. Jay, Simon, Neil and Will are back for another round of lewd, rude and cringe-worthy hijinks...but this time they're Down Under.

The Sequel Sees The Guys Applying Their Very Unique Girl-Charming Skills Down Under.

Yes indeed, after the last movie was set mainly in Malia where the guys ventured for their summer holiday, the sequel will be based in Australia as the boys take a gap year before embracing their lives as adults. "You know why they call it Down Under?" says Jay. "'Cause that's where your face spends most of the time."

Continue reading: 'The Inbetweeners 2' Movie Looks Pant-Wettingly Hilarious [Trailer]

The Inbetweeners 2 Trailer

The four musketeers are back once again after their eventful (and mostly deeply embarrassing) post-A Level escapades in Malia. While we saw them apparently bag themselves the girls of their dreams, unsurprisingly it doesn't look like the romance has lasted and now they are back to their single selves - well, apart from Simon. When Simon, Will and Neil decide to join Jay on his gap year in sunny Australia, Simon struggles to dump his overbearing and uber needy girlfriend. He's still as awkward as ever, Neil's still stupid, Jay is still a total liar and Will's mum is still fit, but the boys have a brand new car now dubbed the 'Mobile Virgin Conversion Unit'. Armed with sunscreen, condoms and bags of charm, these lads are on one last mission to climb the social hierarchy ladder.

'The Inbetweeners 2' follows on from the pre-university lads' holiday of 'The Inbetweeners Movie'; an award winning big screen spin-off of the popular Channel 4 comedy series. With Ben Palmer having directed the first movie, creators of the TV series Damon Beesley and Iain Morris have taken on the role this time while also writing the script. The movie is scheduled to hit the UK and Ireland on August 6th 2014.

Meet The New Incarnations Of The Musketeers And Their Friends And Foes [Pictures]

By Holly Williams in Movies / TV / Theatre on 17 January 2014

Luke Pasqualino Santiago Cabrera Tom Burke Howard Charles Peter Capaldi Adrian Hodges Ryan Gage Tamla Kari Hugo Speer

Who are the stars of the new BBC One period drama 'The Musketeers'?

The world's favourite swashbuckling quartet are back in a stunning new adventure series adapted by BBC One from Alexandre Dumas' 'The Three Musketeers' and starring an exceptional ensemble cast.

Image caption Athos, Aramis, D'Artagnan and Porthos

The new show is named merely 'The Musketeers' and, although is based on the main framework of the 1844 novel, is in fact a series of newly created escapades, occasionally inspired by the events of the original story. Creator Adrian Hodges wanted to go for something a little different from the last few decades of popular movie adaptions, which include Richard Lester's 1973 version starring Michael York and Charlton Heston, the 1993 Disney film with Chris O'Donnell and Tim Curry, and who could forget the animated adventure 'Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds'?

Continue reading: Meet The New Incarnations Of The Musketeers And Their Friends And Foes [Pictures]

Tamla Kari and The Inbetweeners Tuesday 16th August 2011 Tamla Kari at the afterparty for 'The Inbetweeners Movie'. London, England

The Inbetweeners Movie Trailer

Best friends Will, Simon, Jay and Neil have finally finished school forever. But the end of term finishes on a low note for Simon, when he gets dumped by his girlfriend. The others see this as an opportunity to go on a 'mental' lads holiday, so they jet off to Malia for two weeks of sun, sea and sex.

Continue: The Inbetweeners Movie Trailer