A Thousand Words - Trailer

  • 15 November 2011

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Jack McCall is a literary agent who has a way with words. He knows just what to say to use any situation to his advantage. For example: after joining a long queue at his favourite coffee shop, Jack became impatient and faked an emergency phone call in order to get himself to the front.

After agreeing to have a self help guru's book published, Jack forgets all about it - until the budding author calls him out on it. As punishment, he plants a tree in Jack's back garden that has one thousand leaves. For every word that Jack speaks, a leaf falls off and once all the leaves have fallen off, Jack will die.

Jack vows not to talk, with hilarious consequences. How can he agree to pass a deal at work? How can he tell a blind person when to cross an extremely busy road? And how can he save his marriage without talking to his wife?

Directed by: Brian Robbins

Starring: Eddie Murphy, Ariel Winter, Kerry Washington, Cliff Curtis, Allison Janney, Clark Duke, Jack McBrayer, John Witherspoon, Darcy Rose Byrnes, Justina Machado, Steve Little, Shavon Kirksey