Warner Bros. Renting Movies Via Facebook

  • 08 March 2011

Warner Bros. is launching a test to determine whether Facebook users may be interested in renting movies using Facebook credits. In the past, those credits could be purchased -- 10 credits cost $1.00 -- within many online games and used for purchasing discounted items available within The Games. Credits are also available free through special promotions. Now, users can go to the Facebook page for The Dark Knight and rent the movie for 30 Facebook Credits. They'll have 48 hours after they complete the purchase to watch the movie. They'll also be able to post comments about it and discuss it with friends on the social-networking site. Warners said that it will offer additional movies via Facebook in the months ahead, but it did not indicate when it plans to do so, how many movies will be available, or The The titles. In a statement, Thomas Gewecke, president of Warner Bros. Digital Distribution, said, "Making our films available through Facebook is a natural extension of our digital distribution efforts. It gives consumers a simple, convenient way to access and enjoy our films through the world's largest social network."
