Hilton Denies Attacking Gabor's Husband

  • 30 November 2011

A representative for Zsa Zsa Gabor's daughter has denied she attacked the star's husband at their home after he filed a complaint with police.
Prince Frederic von Anhalt has accused Francesca Hilton - Gabor's daughter with Conrad Hilton - of elbowing him during a visit to her mother's home.
Anhalt tells Tmz.com he went straight to the police after the incident, but Hilton's rep has shot down the allegation.
The spokesperson tells the website, "(Anhalt is) fabricating the story to get media attention.
"This pathetic behaviour is just one more publicity stunt on behalf of Von Anhalt at the further cost of a mother/daughter relationship and the legacy of Zsa Zsa Gabor."
Hilton has often been outspoken about her stepfather's behaviour, accusing him of banning her from visiting Gabor and releasing information about the ill actress to publicise himself.