Liam Gallagher Still Planning Oasis Reunion

  • 04 November 2011

Liam Gallagher is certain Oasis will get back together in 2015.

The iconic 'Wonderwall' group split in 2009 after a huge fall out between the singer and his guitarist brother Noel but, while they have both moved on to other project, Liam is adamant they will get back together to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their '(What's the Story) Morning Glory?' album in 2015.

He told the Independent newspaper: "I'm sure we're gonna get back together. Noel's got to do his solo thing - and realise he's not that good without his younger brother.

"And then, 2015, the Morning Glory 20th anniversary tour. It was him that started the idea and now he's saying he's not up for it, but I am. If the people want it, then the people will get it."

Noel - who is currently touring with his High Flying Birds project - has distanced himself from the idea of a reunion, saying: "Liam's got my permission to go and play it. He can play it if he wants. I don't mind.

"I left that band for a reason and that reason still stands."

Liam - who now fronts Beady Eye with four ex-members of Oasis - also insists if the band gets back together it will only be for nostalgic reasons.

He added: "I think I may have been under Noel's cloud a little bit too much. I've always wanted to do more than just sing other people's songs.

"If we get back together, it'll be a great trip down memory lane. But it's not the only road that's open to me anymore."