Robert Pattinson's Disappointing Love Scenes

  • 13 April 2011

Reese Witherspoon's love scenes with Robert Pattinson left her "disappointed".

The 'Water for Elephants' actress was let down by her hunky co-star when they filmed their characters' intimate scenes because he had a terrible cold.

She told website "Rob possibly had the most hideous horrible cold of any co-star I've ever had to do a love scene with ever in my entire life.

"I'm going to say it's a little bit of a downer. I was a little disappointed. It wasn't sexy.

"He was literally snorting and snotting through every second of it – and it was not appealing. I'm talking green, infectious, disgusting – I'm not kidding!"

Robert, 24, is now over his cold and on the set of the final film in 'The Twilight Saga', 'Breaking Dawn' - reprising his best-known role as vampire Edward Cullen - although he preferred his previous part as veterinary student Jacob Jankowski, because it meant he didn't have to wear so much make up.

He said: "It's nice to be able to actually touch your face without thinking you're going to get a huge smudge mark over it. Not having a big kabuki mask on and contacts lenses for 'Water for Elephants' was a totally different experience."