Robert Pattinson: 'Water For Elephants Is Totally Different'

  • 20 January 2011

Robert Pattinson sees his latest film as a stepping stone from the 'Twilight' movies.

The British heartthrob, who stars alongside Oscar-winning star Reese Witherspoon in new movie 'Water for Elephants', says filming it was "totally different" from acting his "familiar" role of Edward Cullen in the vampire franchise.

When asked if he saw the new film as a big stepping stone, the 24-year-old hunk told MTV News: "I think so. It definitely felt like I was doing a big movie when I was doing it and it felt totally different from doing something within the 'Twilight' world because now it just seems so familiar, the 'Twilight' stuff. It's just like going to a normal job, doing that."

Robert's co-star Reese also enjoyed filming the movie - because she got to lock lips with the British hunk, who she describes as hard working and "extraordinarily attractive".

The 34-year-old blonde previously said: "Robert is such a great guy from a great family. That's the thing that's so funny. He's not really this bad boy; he's just a great guy and really worked hard on 'Water for Elephants.'

"He really worked long hours, long days. He looks totally different in the movie."

Robert - who is dating his 'Twilight' co-star Kristen Stewart - is currently filming both parts of 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn', which will be the final instalments of the franchise.