Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Enjoy Namibian Christmas

  • 29 December 2010

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt spent Christmas in Namibia.

The couple went to the African nation where Shiloh - their four-year-old biological daughter - was born, staying for a week in a villa at the Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary and Lodge in The Village of Langstrand.

The family - which includes children Maddox, nine, Pax, seven, Zahara, five, and two-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne as well as Shiloh - arrived in the country on December 19, and reportedly spent their time on the beach as well as roaming in the nearby Nakuluft Mountains.

A source said: "They really enjoyed their trip.

"They were able to mingle with locals, visit Swakopmund and go to the beach there and also the beach in their neighbourhood."

The family stayed with a host family, headed by Dr. Rudie van Vuuren, a famous physician, cricket player and conservationist and his wife Marlice.

Angelina and Brad spend Christmas every other year at a foreign destination, with the actress admitting recently she was looking forward to a festive adventure".

She said: "We're going to travel with the kids and go to a random part of the world.

"We're going to travel and have an adventure because that's what we love to do."