Lourdes The 'Creative Force' Of Material Girl

  • 26 July 2010

Lourdes is the "creative force" behind Madonna's Material Girl clothing range.

The 13 year old - the daughter of Madonna and personal trainer Carlos Leon - is "100 per cent" behind the children's clothing brand, her father has revealed.

Carlos said: "She's 100 per cent the creative force of Material Girl. She knew exactly what she wanted.

"She's a trendsetter that draws from all different things to put together a look. She's into different cultures and brings that into her style."

The Cuban-born personal trainer also believes Lourdes takes inspiration for the range - which is sold at US store Macy's and modelled by Taylor Momsen - from his background and her mother's.

He told the New York Post: "She gets to travel around the world and experience different cultures. I think she takes a little bit from each culture, myself and, of course, her mother and makes it her own.

"She's very creative in that way - putting colours together and stuff I would never even think about. She has that natural ability."

The clothing range, which includes jewellery and accessories, goes on sale on August 3.