Matt Damon: Sex With Angelina Is "Weird"

  • 18 December 2006

Most men dream of being able to sleep with Angelina Jolie, but Matt Damon has admitted that it is "weird".

Her good looks and undeniably hot body are apparently not enough for Matt to get over the fact that she is the girlfriend of one of his best friends: Brad Pitt.

The pair appear together in The Good Shepherd and Matt had previously worked with Brad in the Ocean's Eleven films.

"Doing a love scene with the girlfriend of a good friend is weird. We all know each other," Matt told US TV show Good Morning America.

But it seems that Angelina does not have the same problem about getting up close and personal with her friends on screen.

"In reality both the people we're involved with couldn't have cared less about that because they know us," she said.

"It's one of those things where it's like the least threatening person. The difference between kissing Matt and kissing Brad is simple: One's a friend and one's my lover."

18/12/2006 16:39:07