Angelina Jolie's Home Life Went Through 'Adjustment' Due To Script Work

  • 19 January 2012

Angelina Jolie's big family had to go through an "adjustment" as she worked on the screenplay for her directorial debut because she would stay up writing throughout the night.
Jolie stepped behind the camera to direct In The Land Of Blood And Honey, about a romance between a Serbian solider and a Bosnian woman, and she also wrote the script.
The film was a passion project for the Oscar-winner, and she was so wrapped up in her work, she would stay up until the early hours of the morning perfecting the story.
Jolie admits her partner Brad Pitt and their six children had to get used to her new work schedule.
She tells The Globe and Mail, "(There was a) slight adjustment (to family life). I would sit up writing late into the night. It wasn't a joke in our house, but it was this odd experiment I was doing that seemed so unusual for both of us.
"I'd written op-ed pieces and in journals, but nothing like this. But like anybody who loves you, they're happy when you're happy. I think Brad's happy that there's something that brings me some peace."