Paloma Faith's New Sound

  • 01 March 2012

Paloma Faith's new album 'Fall to Grace' deals with ''relationship issues'', ''self doubt'' and ''insecurity''.

The 26-year-old singer - who hasn't released an album since her 2009 debut 'Do You Want the Truth of Something Beautiful?' - is ''very excited'' about introducing a ''new sound'' on the record, starting with her forthcoming single 'Picking up the Pieces'.

Paloma - who worked with producer Nellee Hooper on the record - said: ''The new album has taken on a very cinematic mood. 'Picking up the Pieces' is no exception. It deals with the issues of being in a relationship with someone who is still recovering from a previous relationship with another person. It is a song about self doubt and insecurity.

''I am very excited to introduce my new sound into the world. Working with Nellee Hooper has been really inspirational.''

Nellee - who was worked with Madonna and No Doubt among many other stars - found working with Paloma brought back memories of the time she first met Icelandic singer-songwriter Bjork.

She explained: ''It reminded me of my first meeting with Bjork; she arrived at my house with a tiny suitcase with a few clothes and some ragged old cassettes. Four months later we came out of the house with Bjork - 'Debut'. We just threw ourselves into the unknown.

''This was exactly the same approach with Paloma. No idea or fear, just pure heart and adventure! I'm just so glad she asked to hold my hand and jump together!''

Paloma's new single 'Picking up the Pieces' will be released on May 20, followed by her new album 'Fall to Grace' on May 28.