The Sons Of The Beatles To Form Band?

  • 03 April 2012

The sons of The Beatles are considering forming a band.

James McCartney - son of Sir Paul, the legendary group's bassist - has discussed playing with The Offspring of drummer Ringo Starr, singer and guitarist John Lennon and guitarist George Harrison in a band.

When asked if they had considered such a move, James said: ''Yeah, a little bit.''

He added: ''I'd be up for it. Sean [Lennon] seemed to be into it, Dhani [Harrison] seemed to be into it. I'd be happy to do it.''

When it came to Ringo's eldest son, Zak Starkey - who has drummed for Oasis and The Who - James wasn't sure, but suggested his brother, Jason, who is also a drummer, could step in.

He told BBC News: ''I don't think it's something that Zak wants to do. Maybe Jason would want to do it.''

James play guitar and piano and sings and has released two EPs and one record, 'The Complete EP Collection', as well as working in the studio with his father.

Sean has his own career as a singer and songwriter, releasing three albums, while Dhani is a guitarist and has formed bands including Thenewno2. He also completed his father's 'Brainwashed' album after his death in 2001.