Jennifer Lopez's Mom Getting Along Famously With Casper

  • 05 April 2012

Jennifer Lopez 's current beau seems to be doing a pretty good job of getting along with the in-laws. Chicago Sun-Times has revealed that Casper Smart gets along famously with her mother and her younger sister - surely the two most important relatives to befriend - and a source commented "Casper's last name really describes him well!"
He'll have been learning lesson, no doubt, from Jennifer's former partners. It was no secret that her mother, Guadalupe was not a fan of her ex husband Marc Anthony. According to friends of the American Idol judge, Guadalupe and Marc never really got on and quite often clashed with each other. "Guadalupe was not displeased, perhaps was even happy, when Jennifer and Marc divorced," the source told the paper's reporters. On the other hand, when she dated Ben Affleck, he was known to get along just fine with Jennifer's mum, as they shared a love of gambling and were often spotted together "enjoying the gaming tables" in Las Vegas. And Lynda Lopez, Jennifer's younger sister, is reported to think that Casper is "a very charming and engaging guy," according to one of her colleagues.