Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt To Wed At Last

  • 15 April 2012

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, the Hollywood A-listers, have at last announced that they are set to be married to one another after seven years together. Although no date for the wedding has been confirmed thus far, a spokesperson for the pair has announced that this is a "promise for the future," the BBC has reported.

Two of Hollywood's most recognisable celebrities, have had rumours about their future discussed since they got together in 2005 and with this engagement, supposedly done by Pitt using a custom made ring; they look to be cementing their future together. Although this will not be the first marriage for either person, with Jolie already having married actors Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton and Pitt previously being married to actress Jennifer Aniston. The spilt between Pitt and Aniston was one fraught with controversy, with rumours of infidelity between Pitt and Jolie rife after they had been working together on Mr & Mrs Smith, however both camps denied counts of infidelity.

Since becoming a couple the two have championed humanitarian causes together, setting up the Jolie-Pitt Foundation as well as supporting a host of UN related causes across the globe. In 2001 Jolie became a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and has work on projects in places such as Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Kosovo and Namibia to name but a few.