Indonesian Police Step Up Security For Lady Gaga Concert

  • 23 May 2012

Officials in Indonesia are planning to deploy thousands of officers to safeguard Lady GaGa's upcoming concert in Jakarta as campaigners step up their protests.
The pop superstar is due to play in the city on 3 June (12), but the gig currently hangs in the balance as she waits to hear whether her performance permit will be granted by local officials.
Protesters in the notoriously conservative country fiercely oppose the singer's raunchy stage routines and they have announced plans for a massive demonstration in Jakarta on Friday (25May12), with campaigners aiming to protest outside the Jakarta Police headquarters, before marching to the Bung Karno Stadium, where the gig will be held, and on to the National Police headquarters.
Abdul Jabbar, of the Islamic People's Forum (Fui), says, "This action aims to urge the police and related institutions to rebuff Lady Gaga."
A Jakarta Police spokesman insists Gaga does still not have permission to perform in the city but announced that if the concert does go ahead, there will be a massive police presence to ensure the safety of fans attending the show.
He tells the Jakarta Post, "Our stance is still the same: we won't recommend the concert be held. However, as part of the National Police, of course we are ready to safeguard the show if the National Police decide the show can go on as planned... (There will be) 2,000 to 4,000 officers... We ask everyone to maintain public safety and security during the show. Anyone attempting to trigger chaos and unrest will be punished."
This week (beg21May12), Lady Gaga broke her silence about the problems in Indonesia, telling fans she will ditch her troupe of backing dancers and perform solo if that is what it takes to ensure her performance permit is granted.