Lady Gaga And Madonna Feud: Things Just Turned Nasty

  • 12 June 2012

Lady GaGa and Madonna appear to have been feuding ever since the 'Material Girl' labelled the superstar's work "reductive" of her own. Seemingly in order to prove her point, Madge was taped rehearsing one of her own tracks, 'Express Yourself', before seamlessly merging into Gaga's smash hit 'Born This Way'.
During Thursday's concert in New Zealand (June 7, 2012) - before she suffered concussion - Gaga addressed her detractors who "make a mockery" of her work. Although she didn't refer to Madonna by name, the Huffington Post reports that the "rest of her comments seemed to point directly at the veteran pop-star". The New Yorker told the gathered thousands, "That doesn't make me feel good at all.That just makes me feel like I'm not a good human being ... I don't even want to fight back because it's more important to me to keep writing music". Her lengthy diatribe continued, with Gaga asserting, ".things are really different than they were 25 years ago, and that's what makes 'Born This Way' so relevant for me. We're socially in a different place and it's OK, we don't have to all slice and hate each other anymore".
It appears as though both performers are looking to steal the headlines on their current world tours (some perhaps more inadvertently than others). As mentioned, Gaga suffered concussion at the New Zealand show, while Madonna flashed her nipples at her audience in Turkey.